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​NYE Eve

Posted by Derek Lambert on 31st Dec 2022

While NYE celebration is enjoyed by most people this can’t be a scary time for our pets. If our dog doesn’t like fireworks, please made sure that the are safe and secured for the celebration. It is common for dogs when they get scared to run and hide this can lead to them going missing or hurting themselves.

To secured you pet you can use a create, close that in a safe room like bedroom or if your dog's aren’t inside dog consider letting them into an easy to clean room like a laundry, bathroom, or garage.

Before securing them prep the room to made it safe and comfortable this can be done by making sure that they can’t hurt themselves by climbing under furniture and getting stuck or knocking things over. Check that there are no chemicals that could harm them. Make sure that they will still have access to food and water. Place their bedding or their travel mat in the room and something with your scent on it.

Washing them with a calming soap or using a calming spray can help to relax them. Have a tv on or playing music to cover the noise to the fireworks can also help, I have found that bagpipes worked well with one of my Hounds that got scared by fireworks and thunder. Place some treats and toys in the room to help occupy and distract them. Chewing is a way that many dogs calm themselves a long-lasting chew treat can prevent them from causing damage in the room.

Hopefully these tips will help your dog through NYE and allow yours.